Community Nutrition in Action: An Entrepreneurial Approach 6th Edition PDF Download Ebook. Marie A. Boyle and David H. Holben introduce the program planning, policies, resources, and nutrition issues specific to community nutrition and provides an understanding of creating and implementing nutrition programs from various constituencies (elderly populations, children, impoverished populations, college students, etc.).
Successful practitioners in community nutrition have proven to have a mind and skill set that opens them up to new ideas and ventures. Incorporating an entrepreneurial approach, this book helps readers learn how to take risks, try new technologies, and use fresh approaches to improving the public's nutrition and health status.
"Case Study" sections are included at the end of each chapter. Each includes a scenario and identifiable learning outcomes. Students are asked to complete a series of steps to reinforce this feature as a useful learning tool. "Programs in Action" boxes spotlight successful community nutrition programs, covering such topics as HIV/AIDS, childhood obesity, behaviorally focused nutrition education programs for children, osteoporosis prevention for female athletes, and farm-to-school initiatives.
"Professional Focus" features address topics such as teamwork and leadership. This feature offers students information to enhance and apply their real-world skills. Each chapter concludes with a Chapter Summary, Summary Questions, and Internet Resources to enable students to study, self-test, and further explore the chapter topics.
The book also delivers the core material important to those who will be active in solving community nutritional and health problems, including program delivery, nutrition education, nutrition assessment, and planning nutrition interventions. Research has been updated throughout, with extensive references listed at the end of the text.
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