Nutrition Essentials for Nursing Practice 6th Edition PDF Download Ebook. Susan G. Dudek introduces the latest evidence-based practice and nutrition recommendations and streamlined to emphasize what the nurse really needs to know. Maintaining its nursing process focus and emphasis on patient teaching, this edition includes new features to help readers integrate nutrition into nursing care.
These new features include Nursing Process tables, Case Studies for every chapter, and NCLEX style study questions for every chapter. Web addresses at end of each chapter will draw students to the most up-to-date and reliable resources on the Web. It also provides short, compelling food details and facts to captivate the reader with interesting and valuable information on current research.
This book includes recent updates to the dietary reference intakes (DRIs), nutrition facts labels, and nutrition recommendations from the American Heart Association, National Cholesterol Education Program, and American Diabetes Association. The book has a nice blend of tables, visuals, text, and key terms, which are defined in the margins. Also of particular interest are the "Quick Bites" that appear throughout the chapters, which give helpful basic information for teachable moments with patients.
Another useful section in each chapter, labeled, "How Do You Respond," provides practical advice for dealing with questions typically asked about nutrition. The diabetes section is a little outdated, using the nutrition recommendations and the exchange lists from 2003. However, the basic concepts are still intact.
This book is ideal for nursing students since it gives them a good basic overview of the important aspects of nutrition. It is excellent in providing simple, practical advice that can be used with patients.
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